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A shared vision

One of Hazel's friends, after she shared her vision at college, gave a her a vision in return of what he thought.

"I saw an arrow, fired with enormous power, crashing through a series of back to back blocks and walls of different materials.

Among the blocks and walls were some of brick and stone, and sponge, and bank notes, and clay, and steel and glass, and clocks, and sheaves of paper, and laptops and tablets.

The arrow was ploughing through every one and shattering all of it. There were metal springs and shards of glass and chunks of stone exploding in all directions.

The arrow was the person of Jesus, fired from a bowstring that is the Holy Spirit.

But its firing was the prayers of the people of God. The arrow was released by the intention of the saints.

There is no barrier that cannot be broken by the prayers of the saints."

Mike Sherburn, Spurgeons College

We just wanted to explain our 'THE VISION' page for any of those who were wondering what it was about!

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