Human Trafficking
Human trafficking
Please pray for 15 children who have survived sexual violence and recently started trauma therapy, that they would recover fully and be able to continue their lives.
The IJM Mumbai team have recently established a crisis centre to address counselling and medical needs facing survivors of sex trafficking as soon as they are rescued.
Please pray for all who enter there and for their safety
Cybersex trafficking, this modern form of slavery is one of the evilest abuses IJM have encountered.
Children in the Philippines are placed in front of a webcam and forced to perform sex acts for foreign customers who direct this live-streamed abuse. Children as young as four have been rescued from this horrific act.
Please give thanks for the children who have been rescued and His continued blessing on our efforts to find and rescue more victims of this crime.
Cybersex trafficking is one of the most violent industries in the world, please pray for the safety of the teams working towards their freedom.
Many trafficking rings operate on both sides of the Thai-Cambodian border, preying upon vulnerable migrant workers.
Please pray those combating labour trafficking, especially in the fishing industry.
Please pray for those trapped and for favour on these teams who working with many different, influential government authorities to dismantle trafficking networks
Many children are trafficked on Lake Volta to work on fishing boats, they are forced to swim down below the boats to unhook fishing nets that get caught.Many of these children can’t swim, many drown.
In 2017 100 children were rescued, please pray for their physical, emotional and spiritual healing.
Pray that they would understand deeply that they are worthy of love and protection. Pray for the many children still being exploited on the lake, for their safety and quick rescue.
Scripture: Psalm 82:3
Give justice to the weak and fatherless, maintain the right of the afflicted and destitute.
Scripture: Amos 5:25
But let justice roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.
Scripture: Isaiah 1:17
Learn to do good, seek justice, correct oppression, bring justice to the fatherless,
Plead the widow's cause.